Morning-Drop Off Program
Morning-Drop Off Program
The Hancock Park School Morning Drop-Off Program is essential for the safety of our children. Whether you walk to school, drive to school, use the drop-off lane or never use the drop-off lane, we ask ALL Hancock Park families to participate in the program ONE MORNING (per child) for the entire year.
Below you will find your class' ASSIGNED DATE for working the drop-off line:
What you need to know:
- Volunteers arrive at 7:30am. The kinder yard supervisor is available to give you instructions or answer questions.
- Volunteer Parking: There is 1 parking space reserved for morning drop-off. There is a banner on the fence indicating the space. It is to the right of the big double gate. If it is taken you can find plenty of parking on Colgate, just west of Fairfax.
- Put on an ORANGE VEST for your safety (they are in the morning drop off box inside the main gate).
- As cars pull up, open/close doors and help children exit. SMILE AND HAVE FUN!
- Kindergarteners: The parents should tell you if their child is in Kindergarten. All Kindergarten students being dropped off must be escorted to the Kinder yard by a volunteer and handed to the Kinder yard supervisor. Kindergarten children may not be dropped off after the bell. Late Kinder families must park and walk their child into school.
- After drop-offs have stopped (around 8:10am) volunteers collect all the cones, including the little ones on the driveways, and return them to the storage container. Remove your orange vest and return it to the hook in the storage container. Close up the storage container.